Grammar vs Spelling – What’s The Real Difference?

Grammar vs Spelling : What’s the real difference? The main difference between grammar and spelling is that grammar is basically a syntax galore whilst spelling focuses on forming words correctly using letters.

(Syntax: forming well-structured sentences using words and phrases and more) 

Many people can talk well in English. But, when it comes to writing, they’ll display heavy errors in grammar and spelling. The confusion many have about the grammar rules and spelling rules might also contribute largely to this limitation. So we are here to erase that confusion and help you fully grasp the difference.

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Grammar And Spelling Mistakes

To expand your understanding, it’s important to realise where you usually go wrong. Let’s look at some examples.

If a word is spelt using the wrong letters but is used correctly in a sentence/paragraph, then it is pretty much a spelling mistake.

i.e. – ‘I wanted to order a mohito but wayter broght me a wodka’

This whole sentence is a spelling catastrophe. Starting with ‘Mohito’ – correctly spelt should be ‘Mojito’. Wayter –should be ‘waiter’ and ‘broght’ – ‘brought’. The words are used correctly, but it is full of spelling mistakes.

Now let’s look at the sentence below:

e.g.: ”Their on the way” and “Her feet were bear”

In these two examples, the spellings of the words are correct. But they are incorrectly used.

‘Their’ should be ‘They’re’ and ‘bear’ should be ‘bare’.

These words are known as heterographs. They sound the same but they don’t give the same meaning. Though words used are not badly spelt, but the sentence is incorrect. Making this a grammar error.

Let’s look at another example.

e.g.: ‘I have book’

The sentence doesn’t detect a single spelling error. But if you do a grammar check, you’ll notice that the absence of the article ‘a’ makes this sentence wrong. It’s a grammatical mistake.

e.g. – ‘Yesterday she walks home‘.

No spelling error. But, the word ‘walks’ is incorrect because the wrong tense is used to describe the action. If the action happened yesterday, then the verb ‘walks’ should be in the past tense. So the grammatically correct way to write it down would be:

‘Yesterday she walked home.’

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What’s More Important? Spelling Or Grammar?

Obviously, as a writer, I must say both. But if you are still learning to improve in both areas then, start with spelling. Why? Well, it will help people understand what you’re saying in writing, and it’ll also help you to sound cultured. Remember, there are certain spelling differences between British English and American English. It’ll be easier to figure it out with practice. 

But if you want to maintain a good standard and convey your thoughts and ideas tastefully, then Grammar is crucial.

By building a solid spelling and grammar foundation, you’re well on your way to improving your English language skills and avoiding those Grammar and Spelling Nazis.

That’s it for our article on Grammar vs Spelling – Hope you now understand the difference between Spelling and Grammar and how they contribute to the growth of the language. Good Luck!