Free Reading Speed Test (WPM Calculator)

Accurately measure your reading speed in words per minute under 2 distinct difficulty levels!

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How To Carry Out The Reading Speed Test?

  1. Please ensure that you are seated in a quiet environment along with a stable internet connection as this test has been designed to span 1 to 2 minutes without interruptions.
  2. Based on your preference, choose either the "High-School" or "College" difficulty level, then click "Start Test". You'll be presented with a passage to read. Continue reading until the end, then press "End Test".
  3. You will now encounter 3 multiple-choice questions assessing your reading comprehension. After answering these questions, click on "Show Results".
  4. You are now on the results page. Here, you'll see your reading speed in words per minute and your comprehension level as a percentage. Additionally, you'll find statistics comparing your result to global averages.
  5. To attempt the test with a new piece of text, click "Back To Start" and repeat from step 2 once again. With our extensive collection of reading passages and MCQ's, you have the benefit of taking the test multiple times under each difficulty level.

Can This Be Considered A Speed Reading Test?

Yes! The overall functionality of this tool is to calculate your reading speed, regardless of the methodology behind the reading process. Be it speed reading or slow reading, this reading speed calculator does what it's intended to do, which is to calculate your reading speed under varying levels of difficulty.

What Is The Word Count Of The Text In This Reading Speed Test?

Each piece of text under all 2 difficulty levels contain between 200 to 250 words. However, college-level texts constitute a broader and complex vocabulary including longer words. This results in college-level texts having a 20% higher character count.

What Is Considered A Good Reading Speed?

The average reading speed for adults is 200-250 words per minute. However, reading speed can vary greatly depending on the material and purpose. Speed reading experts suggest that 300-400 wpm is a good pace for most non-fiction books and articles. For more difficult material, 100-150 wpm may be more appropriate to ensure comprehension. On the lower end, people with reading disabilities may read below 100 wpm. 

Highly skilled speed readers can read at 600-800 wpm or more but this is at the expense of some loss in reading comprehension. Most people can boost their reading speed with practice, but there is a point of diminishing returns where faster speed means worse understanding. The key is finding the right pace for the text and your purposes.

Some Eccentric Personalities That Excelled In Reading

Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, and Oscar Wilde were renowned for their extraordinary accomplishments. These figures, known for their unique quirks, shared a common passion for reading. Their diverse reading habits inspired creative thinking and allowed them to make groundbreaking contributions in their respective fields. 

Their stories emphasise the pivotal role of reading in nurturing creativity, innovation, and success; no matter how unconventional one's approach may be.

Would It Be Beneficial If I Learn To Speed Read?

Learning to speed read as an individual can be highly beneficial as it saves time, enhances comprehension and improves information retention. Speed reading also fosters better focus and opens doors to broader learning opportunities. 

It's especially useful for standardised test preparation and remains a valuable skill throughout one's life, enabling efficient information processing and comprehension of complex material.

Can I Increase My Reading Speed From The Original Test Results?

Absolutely, you can increase your reading speed from your original test results. Reading speed is a skill that can be improved with practice and the application of effective techniques. Here's how:

1. Practice Regularly: Like any skill, consistent practice is key. Set aside time each day to practice speed reading techniques.

2. Eliminate Subvocalisation: Subvocalisation is the habit of silently pronouncing each word as you read. To read faster, work on minimising this habit.

3. Use a Pointer or Guide: Use your finger or a pen to guide your eyes along the text. This can help you maintain a steady reading pace.

4. Expand Your Peripheral Vision: Train your peripheral vision to capture more words at once. This reduces the need for multiple eye movements.

5. Adjust Your Reading Material: Start with easier material and gradually progress to more challenging content. This helps you adapt to faster reading speeds.

6. Avoid Backtracking: Resist the urge to re-read sections. Trust your comprehension skills and keep moving forward.

7. Set Realistic Goals: Track your progress and set achievable speed reading goals. Gradually increase your reading speed as you become more proficient.

8. Use A Speed Reading Extension: Consider using a browser extension or app that's designed to improve reading speed.

With dedication and consistent effort, you can significantly increase your reading speed and improve your overall reading efficiency. It's a skill that can benefit you in both academic and professional settings.