Sentence Counter – Accurately Count Sentences Instantly!

Try Out Our Free Sentence Counter Tool To Count Sentences Fast!

Sentence Counter

Sentence Count

What’s Special About This Sentence Counter?

This sentence counter is highly accurate and fast – requiring no button press for the count to be initiated. It is also the only sentence counter to provide file upload functionality, so that users can directly upload text from PDF, Text and Doc files. If you aren’t uploading text from a file, just copy and paste the text content onto the text box and you’re done!

Does This Sentence Counter Provide Word Count Or Any Other Metrics?

No, it doesn’t provide word count or any other metric. The sentence counter tool has been built to provide sentence count only and only that. If you do require word count, do try out our word counter tool.

Can This Sentence Counter Be Used For Tagalog?

Yes, in addition to English, our sentence counter could be utilised to count sentences in the Tagalog language.

How Does This Free Tool Count Sentences?

The sentence counter runs the user input text or content through a regular expression (pattern matching) that accurately distinguishes between sentences of complicated strings and texts.

Does This Sentence Counter Store Any Of My Text/Data?

This sentence counter does not store or process any of the user text/data on its servers, while the calculations are done purely on the client’s browser.